I know Michelle is happy now...and she can now stop telling me 17 times a day...dude, you gotta start a blog.... i did this for you shelby. I dont even know what to say actually. There are so many times a day that I will think oh that would be good to start a blog with, or man i really DO need to start a blog because i have so much stuff to write....AND i never started a journal for Kelton which I'm still really disappointed about. I wish I had my moms dedication to writing. I think about it constantly but am too lazy to actually sit down and start writing. So naturally one would think that typing is easier, but alas, Kelton is now 7 months old and I am just now starting this thing. Theres so much that I missed! He is now sitting up BY HIMSELF! I am so proud of him. He seriously took on this talent in like 2 days. All of a sudden he could just do it. He is so big now. I'm assuming hes about 17 pounds, maybe 18. Not sure. About 3 weeks ago we transitioned him from sleeping in our bed to sleeping in his own crib. Such a bittersweet thing. I bawled of course. Seeing him in there all alone...(we have a video monitor)...it was difficult. However I will say that I didn't realize how much I missed our king size bed with just me and bryan in it. I don't think I ever realized how much you could move around in that thing! It's amazing. And, because I know everyone was wondering, it has greatly improved our sex life... so yay for that!
I have no idea what else to write at this time. Oh! I do wanna start writing down my dreams because for some reason for like the last week I've remembered all my dreams...and vividly too. I NEVER remember my dreams so this has been pretty cool. Last nite wasnt a very fun one though. I had a dream I got a D.U.I. Very weird. It was weird in the dream too the process that they took to see if i was drunk. I had had one glass of wine 2 hours before. And then I got pulled over and they tested both me and bryan even though bryan wasnt driving. They then took us on the ride..Its a small world after all. i dont know. but then they (and by they i mean 6 guys in security outfits, yes 6, im not sure why there were that many) made us blow. bryan blew a .45 and i blew a 1.14. See? i remember my dreams SOOOO clearly! anyway the security guy told me that i was fine and to go. i went over to bryan and was like bry the guy screwed up...he thinks im below the limit! lets get out of here! so we started running out the door and the guy was like oh wait julie! you actually are over the limit so we have to arrest you. and that was the end of the dream! weird...
The nite before i dreamt that I went to a broadway show with Barack and Michelle Obama. In the middle of the show one of the actors flicked off Barack and Michelle started crying on my shoulder.
THEN, the nite before that i dreamt that me and michelle lived together and she was babysitting for the twins, zach and cody, from the disney show, "Suite Life". and Saylor was a girl with long blonde hair. Michelle kept asking me if I owned linen sweatpants. I told her no and she told me that i had to get a pair and once i do i wont wanna wear anything else. then she left the apartment and left me with Saylor, the girl and zach and cody.
So there ya have it. Man....Ive been so bored and lazy all day. I feel kinda bad cuz i havent been playing with kelton much. Bryans mom watched him while i was at work, then i got home and put him in his jumper, then he took a nap, and now hes watching baby einstein. ive been waiting for bryan to get home from work. i told myself i would start a blog and then by the time i was done he would probably be home. not the case. eh well. ill end this thing anyway,its getting long.